New Products

To facilitate the fast-growing electronics industry, the semiconductor companies and component manufacturers constantly improve their designs and announce new products and components that are smaller, more efficient and powerful than the exiting ones. This section covers all the latest electronic components introduced in the market to enable design engineers to be aware about the latest options and helping them to keep their designs up-to-date for competing in the ever-evolving market.

September 16, 2021

Renesas Electronics has expanded its environmental sensor portfolio with four new single- and dual-channel analog detectors (…

September 16, 2021

Expanding the third generation of ToF sensors, Melexis has come up with MLX75026, a fully integrated QVGA resolution ToF sensor…

September 15, 2021

The SFL series of 300W and 1,000W programmable electronic DC loads from TDK Corporation offer high-speed current control, eliminating load current…

September 15, 2021

ROHM has developed new SerDes ICs (BU18xMxx-C series) and a PMIC (BD86852MUF-C) for vehicle satellite camera modules for…

September 9, 2021

Microchip’s PM6200 META-DX2L is a multi-purpose low-power PHY (physical layer) solution that enables routers, switches, and…

September 9, 2021

Vishay Intertechnology has released the RCV-AT e3 series of AEC-Q200 qualified thick film chip resistors with operating…

September 8, 2021

Powering Edge AI Evolution with 11th Generation Intel Core Processors, the new PICO-TGU4 board from AAEON delivers performance…

September 8, 2021

Renesas Electronics has introduced 32-Bit RX671 microcontrollers, the single-chip solution for delivering high performance and power efficiency…

September 1, 2021

Expanding its ProXO family of oscillators, Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced new ProXO+ programmable TCXOs that…

August 30, 2021

NewAE Technology, a Canadian security research firm is set to launch ChipWhisperer-Husky, a new compact device specially…

August 27, 2021

Alpha and Omega Semiconductor has introduced new high voltage sink protection switches, AOZ13984DI-02 and AOZ13987DI-02 in…

August 26, 2021

The new chip-level DC/DC converter, B0505ST16-W5 from Mornsun is designed to meet automotive and medical application…