Circuit Digest, your favorite electronics community feels proud in announcing the “India Automation Challenge 2021”. A platform for engineers, makers, hobbyists, and all electronics enthusiasts to compete and win exciting prizes of Rs.2,00,000+.
We are calling for the innovative brains of India to design and build viable automation systems that have potential practical applications and can aid with the digital transformation of India. The challenge is to build innovative projects in the Automation domain which includes anything related to transportation, health and fitness, security, medical, environmental protection, etc.
The India Automation Challenge 2021 is an online only contest focused only on Indian contestants. The contest is planned and organized by CircuitDigest as a value driven event and is completely free and open for everyone to participate.
The top five submissions get a cash prize worth Rs. 1,50,000 and all the deserving participants get free goodies and certificates. Registration closes on 15th August 2021, and the last day for submission of the projects is December 01’ 2021. The winners will be announced on 31st December. Visit Contest Page for more information.