To help users improve their mental health, researchers at Stockholm University have come up with clinical-grade neurofeedback (a type of brain training used to strengthen the cognitive function and improve the health) product that helps ease the preventive care task. Named Mendi, this set of the headset and an App, stimulates brain function with exercises that help you focus, relax, and more at the comfort of your home.
Designed to be used by people of all ages, Mendi helps improve your mental fitness if you use it for a minimum of 10 minutes 2-3 times a week. The users can simply control a training game with their brains to strengthen their brain in a fun and easy way. The brain learns through live visual feedback of what your brain is doing. This is a neurofeedback method that lets you actually train your brain to function better.
Mendi’s headset measures the brain activity through a unique set of features, including blood flow and oxygenation in the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC). It is a sort of measuring fuel in your brain’s control center. Thereafter, the combined brain activity is visualized in a training game. Users just need to relax and focus to easily control the game.
The Mendi headset uses advanced fNIRS technology to monitor activity in your brain. The app provides training exercises, requiring focus and calm to control the game, subsequently increasing activity in your prefrontal cortex, which controls your brain’s pathways. The PFC is the control center of the human brain. Increasing blood flow, nutrients, and oxygenation to this area strengthens it with time.
When the user wears the headset, it connects to fun and game-like training app. The game represents the brain activity of the user. The user controls the game and hence trains the brain. Users can easily follow their progress in the app journal with a simple overview of all your training sessions saved in one place.