Factana and Circuit Digest announce their union in hosting and sponsoring Industrial IoT Challenge 2021. The IoT Challenge is set to offer IoT innovators a vital platform to display their talents in building IoT Solutions. The joint commitment of Factana and Circuit Digest is exemplary in recognizing the talents of all those aspiring to create ideal IoT Solutions to resolve the automation crisis in the manufacturing domain.
The Industrial IoT Challenge 2021 is conducted as an ongoing online competition, open to everyone interested. The competition primarily seeks to recognize the expertise of participators put to action in developing Industrial Solutions. Factana and Circuit Digest are hosting the competition at no cost to participants and is said to be a value-driven initiative. The IoT Challenge 2021 is completely online, providing convenience to its participants. The Industrial IoT Challenge 2021 is also hailed as a one-way ticket to Factana’s “Wall of Fame” with opportunities for Industrial Customer engagements.
It is to be noted that outstanding performers will be recognized with certificates and gifts alongside the winner who takes up to the $1000 prize on the 15th of December 2021. Spokesperson from Factana says that this is purely to encourage participation and innovation in IoT technology. In addition, Circuit Digest as a renowned online tech news channel and magazine station will feature creative IoT Solutions to the technical sector.
The joint hosting that is set to facilitate Industrial IoT Challenge 2021 is ready to embark a journey of discovering potential IoT engineers across the globe. The competition operates in a phased manner with 3 milestones in place. These milestones are identified as ‘Start’, ‘Achieve’, and ‘Share’. If you think you could become an IoT engineer, it’s just about the time you start.