RejsaCAN-ESP32 is a small board based on ESP32-WROOM-32 Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module with a CAN interface that fits into a 3D printed OBD-II dongle for easy installation into most cars and includes an auto-shutdown option to prevent battery drain by monitoring the battery voltage in the car.
RejsaCAN-ESP32 PCB has been designed in EasyEDA web-based schematics Capture, simulation, and PCB Layout tool. The board has two LEDs that are controlled by pins on the ESP32 and can be used for indicating Wifi/BLE being connected. Moreover, the third LED indicates that the board is powered on.
RejsaCAN-ESP32 Specifications
- Wireless module – ESP32-WROOM-32 module with a dual-core ESP32 processor @ 240 MHz with 2.4 GHz WiFi 4 and Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity, PCB antenna, 32Mbit SPI flash
- USB – 1x USB-C port for power and programming via CP2104 USB to TTL chip
- Expansion – 15-pin header with 3x GPIO, SPI, I2C, analog input, PWM or analog output, CAN bus via TI SN65HVD230DR CAN transceiver
- Misc – Power LED, 2x user LED’s
- Power Supply
- 5V via USB-C port
- 5-15V via CAN interface
- Dimensions – 5 x 3 cm
There is no bespoke code for the board apart from pin definitions, it's just a piece of universal hardware, but by using easy to use open-source Arduino libraries it can be made to interface not only to various CAN buses, Network/Wifi and Bluetooth but to numerous sensors and other peripherals using the ESP32's built in interfaces.