RFID Chip Implant Exploring RFID Chip Implants: Legal, Medical, and Ethical Considerations in India

It was in January 2024, when Neuralink Corp. a company by Elon musk implanted its first brain chip called “Telepathy”…

M1 Multitool Device M1 Multitool Device: A Practical Alternative to the Flipper Zero

In the past few years, Flipper Zero has gained a lot of attention for its versatility. Now a new multi-hacking tool is…

Arduino RC522 RFID Reader Module Project Interfacing RFID Reader With Arduino

Have you ever wondered how the antitheft system in a supermarket works? Or how do automatic…

RFID Based Door Lock using Raspberry Pi RFID Based Door Lock System using Raspberry Pi

Every time I go out and lock my door using the traditional lock, I feel so outdated. I wanted to replace it…

Fingerprint based Car Ignition System Fingerprint based Car Ignition System using Arduino and RFID

Nowadays most of the car comes with keyless entry and push-button ignition system, in which you only need to carry the key in…

Interfacing RDM6300 RFID Reader Module with Arduino Interfacing RDM6300 RFID Reader Module with Arduino

RFID (short for Radio Frequency Identification) tagging is an ID system that uses electromagnetic waves in radio frequency to…

IoT-based Event Management System using RFID IoT-based Event Management System using RFID and ThingSpeak

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, it’s a very simple and inexpensive piece of technology that can be used to make…

RFID Based Contactless Temperature Monitoring System using Arduino RFID based Contactless Body Temperature Screening using Arduino and MLX90614 IR Temperature Sensor

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, infrared thermometers are being used as a screening tool to scan the people at Airports,…

Smart Diaper Embedded with a Moisture Sensor New Smart Diapers Embedded with Low Cost, Disposable Moisture Sensor can Alert Caretakers about Dampness using RFID Technology

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have invented a new smart diaper embedded with a moisture sensor…

Arduino Solenoid Door Lock using RFID Arduino Solenoid Door Lock using RFID

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an inexpensive and accessible technology. It can be used in many applications such as…