
CD4047 Multivibrator IC CD4047 Astable/Monostable Multivibrator: Modes, Waveforms & Simulation

Ever wondered how electronic devices generate precise timing signals or control oscillations? Today, let's explore the CD4047, a compact yet…

Zero Crossing Detector Circuit using Op-Amp Zero Crossing Detector Circuit

A Zero Crossing Detector Circuit is a useful application of Op-amp as Comparator. It is used to track the changing in the sine…

Pure Sine Wave Inverter Using Arduino Pure Sine Wave Inverter Using Arduino

Inverter circuits are often needed where it is not possible to get AC supply from the grid. An inverter circuit is used to…

Square wave to Sine Wave Converter Simple Square wave to Sine Wave Converter

Square wave to Sine wave converter circuit is an important analog circuit that converts square waveforms to sine waveforms. It…

Op Amp Triangular Wave Generator Triangle Wave Generator Circuit using Op-amp

Function generator or waveform generator is an integral part of electronics and used to produce various kinds of waveforms like…

Bootstrap Sweep Circuit Bootstrap Sweep Circuit using Transistors

Anyone who deals with electronics will have come across waveform generator circuits like rectangular waveform generator, square…

Sawtooth Waveform Generator Circuit Sawtooth Waveform Generator Circuit

In electronics, waveforms are mostly plotted against voltage and time. The frequency and amplitude of the signal can vary…

Peak Detector Circuit Peak Detector Circuit

Peak Detector Circuit is used to find the peak amplitude in a rapidly changing waveform. Peak detectors are generally used in…

DIY Waveform Generator using Arduino​ DIY Waveform Generator using Arduino​

Every Engineer who loves to tinker with electronics at some point of time would want to have their own lab set-up. A Multimeter…