You should have seen LEDs glowing and fading in a LED Strip lights, used for decoration in festivals and functions. They look beautiful, and give a different look. This fading LEDs circuit can be created using numerous methods like using microcontroller, ICs etc. But how can we forget our Evergreen IC, 555 Timer IC, yes we can create a fading LED using 555 timer.
Required Components
555 Timer IC
Transistor BC547
Capacitor – 10uF
Resistors – 100k, 470 ohm
Battery – 9v
Circuit Diagram and Explanation
The slow fade led circuit is very simple, 555 has been used in Astable mode and a transistor is used to amplify the current. In Astable mode 555 IC oscillate at a particular frequency (depending on RC components), means output at PIN 3 goes HIGH and LOW periodically. So in our circuit whenever the output at PIN 3 goes HIGH, the transistor starts working as an amplifier, and amplifies the current. This current goes into the capacitor and charge the capacitor to the 2/3 Vcc (555 IC principal), at the same time LED glows. After this, output at PIN 3 becomes low, transistor becomes OFF and capacitor start discharges through the collector-emitter junction. Capacitor discharges into the LED, which gives the LED fading effect. As the capacitor discharges, LED illumination fades. Then again, PIN 3 goes high and capacitor charges and LED illuminates.
The led fading time is dependent on the resistors and capacitors value, if we increase the value of capacitor the LED would fade slowly. Like I have demonstrated in video, when I attached another capacitor of 10uf, fading effect becomes slow.
You may also like to build these simple circuits: Simple LED circuit, Flashing LED Circuit and Heart Shape LED Flasher.
Lower power source
Hello and good day!. You have really helped me in my upcoming project. Thank you very much for the help. I have a concern however. My project is size restricted and I am going to use 2 AAA batteries that sums up to just 3 volts. I would like to ask what I should change to compensate with my limited power supply. Thank you very much!
You can even run this circuit
You can even run this circuit on 3v, but use good quality with higher mAh like Duracell etc.
555 runs on 4.5V and above.
555 runs on 4.5V and above. thanks for the sponsored comment anyway
Sir i want to ask that i have
Sir i want to ask that i have made the circuit but the led is not fading but instead it is glowing steadly.. Can you guide me please..
Maybe the R1 value is too
Maybe the R1 value is too high. I used trimmer which should be 100kOhm max., but at the maximum position my led was just glowing. When I lowered the trimmer, the LED begun to make the desired fading effect.
Will this circuit works for a
Will this circuit works for a led strip or more than 1 led(s)
if i use 12v power supply
if i use 12v power supply instead of 9v?
Help me with the formula to calculate on state and off state
Please let me know the formula for ON time and Off time for the circuit given as it doesn't have RA and RB resistors.
With regards,
What specific 555 are you
What specific 555 are you using? I can't seem to get this design to work. The LED fades on but just stays on. Tried reducing R1 all the way down to 1k, and tried different values for C1.
Kindly let me know that pin 2 and 1 are connected or not