From bulky vacuum tubes to compact high performance microprocessors the evolution of electronic components over the years has always been evident. This section covers all the recent technological advancement in the electronics industry and the new-age products that have hit the electronics market recently.
Digi-Key Electronics has announced distribution partnership with Siemens to offer their wide range of automation and control…
Renesas Electronics and OmniVision Technologies together have introduced an integrated reference design for high-definition…
If you are the Systems Engineer or someone who often has to remotely access your workstation or server, you must have used apps…
Digi-Key Electronics has confirmed its continued and extensive support of the Renesas Electronics and Dialog Semiconductor …
Infineon Technologies has enhanced its 1200 V EconoDUAL 3 portfolio with the TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 chip by offering new current…
Wearable technology has opened the door to many exciting applications and has brought about the great technological revolution…
Kryptor is a single-chip, easy-to-use, plug-and-play encryption solution for your embedded systems. This Max10 FPGA-based tool…
u-blox has launched u-center 2, the next generation popular GPS evaluation software that offers advanced features to explore…
Renesas Electronics has teamed up with eProsima to simplify the development of professional robotics applications for IoT and…
New Smart High Level Synthesis (HLS) Tool Suite from Microchip enables C++ algorithms to be directly translated to FPGA-…
Giving college students an opportunity to win prizes and use the real-world tools and resources to learn about the field of…
@HOME kit from Digi-Key is an easy-to-use remote lab or take-home kit because all applications are accessible via a web-based…