
A series of well-curated interviews of Hardware Startups and Technology Experts to share the thoughts and perspective of Industrial Leaders. Our Editorial team, interacts with some of the promising Hardware Startups to bring them to the limelight they deserve by sharing their ideas and visions with our readers.


December 3, 2020

Incubated at IIT-Madras Incubation Cell, Planys Technologies is India’s first OEM of compact ROV firm that has gained immense…

November 19, 2020

Tech giants like Tesla and Google have made self-driving vehicles the much talked about topic amongst tech enthusiasts. Various…

November 6, 2020

The electronics manufacturing eco-system in India, is in its nascent stage and still has voids left to fill. The PCB…

October 1, 2020

With the technological advancements taking place at super-fast speed, we can achieve everything that we could just imagine in…

September 11, 2020

Nowadays, the biggest challenge faced by the industries and businesses across the world is the barriers of connectivity across…

August 25, 2020

Due to the rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the road, traffic and parking problems are bound to exist. The reason…

August 6, 2020

Over the past few years, IoT has gained immense prominence and the world is fast moving towards a connected environment. The…

July 24, 2020

Global warming is increasing day by day and is expected to have a far-reaching, long-lasting, devastating effect on planet…

June 8, 2020

Reducing the dependency on oil and opting for efficient energy transformation to significantly reduce carbon dioxide footprints…

May 25, 2020

Electric mobility is the need of the hour and over the past few years, the interest level around Electric vehicles has…

May 8, 2020

According to the UN, by 2050, almost 2.5 billion people will be the part of urban population and we all know that the current…

April 28, 2020

Right temperature control during the storage and transport of vaccines is critical to ensure their potency and safety. Even…