New Products

To facilitate the fast-growing electronics industry, the semiconductor companies and component manufacturers constantly improve their designs and announce new products and components that are smaller, more efficient and powerful than the exiting ones. This section covers all the latest electronic components introduced in the market to enable design engineers to be aware about the latest options and helping them to keep their designs up-to-date for competing in the ever-evolving market.

January 31, 2024

THIEF RIVER FALLS, Minnesota, USA - DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor offering the largest selection of…

January 31, 2024

German company Calliope has launched a compact and versatile educational computer designed to give children…

January 30, 2024

The RA8T1 microcontroller (MCU) group by Renesas Electronics features the Arm Cortex-M85 processor. Targeted at real-…

January 25, 2024

Renesas Electronics Corporation introduced the RAA279974, a 4-channel AHL video decoder, as part of its Automotive HD…

January 25, 2024

Qorvo has unveiled an automotive-qualified silicon carbide (SiC) field effect transistor (FET) UJ4SC075009B7S…

January 19, 2024

In the electronics and DIY industry, there are many types of X-Y machines we use every day, including 3D printers,…

January 16, 2024

Renesas Electronics Corporation has unveiled the RZ/G3S, a 64-bit general-purpose microprocessor designed for IoT edge…

January 12, 2024

Murata has introduced the new SCH16T-K01 inertial sensor in the realm of inertial 6DoF XYZ-axis sensors, incorporating…

January 12, 2024

Nexperia has introduced a new series of space-saving, high-efficiency, dual-output LCD bias power supplies …

January 5, 2024

u-blox has announced the new JODY-W6, a concurrent dual-band Wi-Fi 6E module with Bluetooth 5.3, including LE…

January 3, 2024

The Vaaman is an open-source edge computing board said to be a game-changer in edge computing because of its…

January 3, 2024

Rambus Inc. announced the release of its Gen4 DDR5 Registering Clock Driver (RCD), now in sampling phase for major DDR5…