
Stem Educational Keyboard STEM based Educational Keyboard using Arduino

Students who receive STEM education become critical thinkers, have a higher level of science literacy, and…

Temperature Sensitive Fan Regulator using ESP32 ESP32 based Temperature Sensitive Smart Fan Regulator

Do you feel disturbed when you need to adjust the temperature? The wait is over, the solution is here! We…

Social Distancing System using Arduino Arduino based Social Distancing System with People Counter

Coronavirus is the biggest health crisis in the history of humanity and the fight with it continues as new…

Sony Spresense Devkit Getting Started with Sony Spresense Devkit

Ever wondered if your everyday Arduino boards were just not enough for your tasks, and a Raspberry Pi (RPi) seemed to be…

Disposing IED using Non Newtonian Fluid Disposing IED using Non Newtonian Fluid and Arduino

Thousands of lives are being lost every year due to IEDs (improvise explosive devices). IEDs were…

Gesture based Intelligent Appliance Control using Arduino Gesture based Intelligent Appliance Control Robot

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing science fiction into reality and this technology is taking over the…

Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel Design and Build a Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel to Control NeoPixel LED Strip

In this tutorial we are going to make a Touch Capacitive PCB using an ATMega328P IC to control neo pixel led strip. We will…

Arduino Based Decorative Christmas Tree Arduino Based Decorative Christmas Tree with Neo-Pixel and JQ6500 Voice Module

As Christmas is around the corner and the essence of it is incomplete without the decoration and the Christmas tree. So,…

DIY Automatic Water Vending Machine using Arduino DIY Automatic Water Vending Machine using Arduino

Vending machines are very popular nowadays due to their ease of use, multiple use cases, and no human intervention. It can…

Solar Irradiance Measurement Meter Solar Irradiance Measurement Meter

There are lots of people working with renewable energy, especially Solar Power. However, the instruments required to properly…