
Arduino Relay Control Tutorial Arduino Relay Control Tutorial

LED Blinking is a very common and almost first program for every embedded learner or beginner. In which we blink an LED with…

Control Relay using Arduino based on Temperature Temperature Controlled AC Home Appliances using Arduino and Thermistor

Suppose you are sitting in a room and feeling cold and you want your heater to be automatically turned on, and then off after…

DIY Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot Project Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot

According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), it is estimated that more than 1.2 lakh deaths have been caused because of…

Interfacing Thermistor with Arduino UNO Interfacing Thermistor with Arduino to Measure and Display Temperature on LCD

Using a thermistor is an easy and cheap way to sense the temperature. And to measure the exact temperature with thermistor, a…

How To Measure Distance Between Two Ultrasonic Sensors How To Measure Distance Between Two Ultrasonic Sensors

Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) is commonly used to find the distance of an object from one particular point. It has been fairly…

Interfacing Nokia 5110 Graphical LCD with Arduino Interfacing Nokia 5110 Graphical LCD with Arduino

The Iconic name “Nokia 5110” itself should have bought memories of the robust Nokia mobile phone which was very popular during…

Cell Phone Controlled AC using Arduino and Bluetooth Cell Phone Controlled AC using Arduino and Bluetooth

In today’s modern world, where ever we go we have lots of electronic devices around us. But, out of all, there is only one…

Interfacing Hall Effect Sensor with Arduino Interfacing Hall Effect Sensor with Arduino

Sensors have always been a vital component in any Project. These are the ones which convert the real real-time environmental…

Automatic AC Temperature Controller using Arduino, DHT11 and IR Blaster Automatic AC Temperature Controller using Arduino, DHT11 and IR Blaster

An AC (Air Conditioner) which was once considered to be a luxury item and was only to be found in big hotels, movie halls,…

Arduino DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using Relays and MOSFET Arduino DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using Relays and MOSFET

In this project we control direction and speed of a 24v high current motor using Arduino and two relays. No power switches are…