
Distance Measurement using Arduino & Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino

Ultrasonic sensors are great tools to measure distance and detect objects without any actual contact with the physical world.…

Arduino based LPG Gas Detector LPG Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino

While LPG is an essential need of every household, its leakage could lead to a disaster. To alert on LPG leakage and prevent…

Arduino Line Follower Robot Project with Code and Circuit Diagram Line Follower Robot using Arduino

Line follower Robot is a very simple robot that follows a line, either a black line or a white line. These type of robots are…

Digital Thermometer Project using Arduino and LM35 Temperature Sensor Digital Thermometer using Arduino and LM35 Temperature Sensor

Thermometers are useful apparatus being used since long time for temperature measurement. In this project we have made an…

DC Motor Speed Control using Arduino Uno PWM DC Motor Control using Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to interface a DC motor to Arduino UNO and control it's speed using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)…

Interfacing 7 Segment Display with Arduino 7 Segment Display Interfacing with Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to interface a seven segment display to ARDUINO UNO. The display counts from 0-9 and resets…

How to Use ADC Pins of Arduino Uno How to Use ADC in Arduino Uno?

In this tutorial we are introducing concept of ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) in ARDUINO UNO. Arduino board has six ADC…

Interfacing 16*2 LCD Display with Arduino Interfacing 16x2 LCD with Arduino

To establish a good communication between human world and machine world, display units play an important role. And so they are…

IR controlled DC motor using Arduino IR Controlled DC Motor using Arduino

Arduino has become the most popular Microcontroller among students and hobbyists in very less span of time. So everyone try to…

DC Motor Speed Control using Arduino and Potentiometer DC Motor Speed Control using Arduino and Potentiometer

DC motor is the most used motor in Robotics and electronics projects. For controlling the speed of DC motor we have various…