Medical Electronics

Implantable System for Opioid Safety Implantable System for Automated Opioid Overdose Detection and Reversal

 Researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have developed a new implant to overcome drug overdoses. This new implantable device called…

Graphene based brain implant electrodes Next Generation Brain Implant Based on Graphene

Brain implants have been here for a very long time. Doctors and researchers even use them for treatments for neurological issues like Alzheimer’s…

HEGduino V2 Flexible FNIRS and Blood-Flow Biofeedback Kit HEGduino V2 Flexible FNIRS and Blood-Flow Biofeedback Kit for Brain Training and Cerebral Blood-Flow Monitoring

HEGduino V2 from AlasKit is a flexible FNIRD and blood-flow biofeedback kit that’s a smart low-cost, intuitive home brain…

iCare Cardiovascular Tester iCare Cardiovascular Tester: Your Heart Attack Detection and Warning Assistant!

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, killing one out of every three Americans. Every day 2200 people are…

LBAA0PC1RMH298 Module from Murata Medical Implant Communication System (MICS) Radio Module for Short Range Wireless Connectivity in Low Power Medical Devices

Murata has added the new LBAA0PC1RMH298 module to its Type1RM family of ultra-small Medical Implamplant Communication System (…

Maxim Integrated Accelerates Production of Essential Medical Solutions Maxim Integrated Accelerates Production of Essential Medical Solutions for Customers During COVID-19 Pandemic

Maxim Integrated Products has accelerated the production of its medical technologies to address increased customer need during…

Smart Electronic Pills An Overview of Ingestible Electronic Pills for Real-Time Analysis of Gastro-Intestinal Tract

Would you want to swallow electronics? Yes, you heard that right! Electronics, in general, are not meant to be eaten. They have…

ZG-P11D Smart Pulse Oximeter Ring-Based Smart Pulse Oximeter with BLE Connectivity using nRF52832 SoC

MegaHealth, a Chinese company has launched a Smart Pulse Oximeter (ZG-P11D) in the form of a ring to continuously monitor key…

Xvision Spine – FDA Approved Augmented Reality Surgical Guidance System Xvision Spine – FDA Approved Augmented Reality Surgical Guidance System projects X-ray vision onto the Surgeon’s Retina

Augmedics, the creators of augmented reality (AR) surgical image guidance systems has announced the launch of its xvision Spine…

Cuffless Blood-Pressure Measurement Solution Meeting Class-II Regulatory Accuracy Limits Cuffless Blood-Pressure Measurement Solution Meeting Class-II Regulatory Accuracy Limits

Until now, accurate blood-pressure monitoring could only be achieved with bulky and mechanical cuff-based medical devices. Now…