
RYZ012 Bluetooth Low Energy 5 Module Bluetooth Low Energy 5 Module from Renesas for Ultra-Low-Power IoT Applications

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has announced that they are ready to ship the sample of the new RYZ012 Bluetooth module…

RV1S9353A Delta-Sigma (ΔΣ) Modulator High Accuracy Delta-Sigma Modulator for Current Sensing and Voltage Monitoring in Industrial Applications

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced the RV1S9353A, an optically isolated delta-sigma (ΔΣ) modulator that…

ZSSC4132 Automotive Pressure Sensor from Renesas Flexible And Cost-Effective Automotive Pressure Sensor for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle HVAC Applications

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced the ZSSC4132- an automotive pressure sensor solution with an integrated…

 Renesas' RE01 Family Embedded Controllers New Low Power Embedded Controllers with 256 kB Flash Memory for Compact Portable Designs

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced a new 256kilobyte(KB) flash memory variant to the RE01 Family embedded…

IPS2200 Inductive Position Sensor Magnet Free High Accuracy Inductive Position Sensor for Industrial Motor Commutation

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced the magnet free IPS2200 inductive position sensor that provides high…

ZMOD4410 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sensor Platform Neural Network Trained Indoor Air Quality Platform for Smart Odor Sensing

Renesas has expanded its ZMOD4410 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sensor platform with the power of embedded artificial intelligence (…

Renesas I3C Basic Bus Extension Products I3C Multiplexer and IO Expander for Datacenter and Server Applications

Renesas introduced four new I3C Basic bus extension products that support up to 12.5MHz speeds with integrated thermal sensor…

RA4W1 ArmCortex M4 Microcontroller 32-bit Arm Cortex M4 Microcontrollers with integrated Bluetooth 5.0 for Secured IoT Devices

Renesas introduced the RA4W1 microcontroller (MCU) with an integrated Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy radio, which includes a 48 MHz,…

Open Source Ventilator System New Open Source Ventilator Reference Design to Overcome the Critical Shortage of Ventilators During COVID-19

The Renesas Electronics Corporation has introduced a new open-source ventilator system reference design that the customers can…

RX72N and RX66N 32-bit Microcontrollers 32-bit Microcontrollers from Renesas for Real-Time Performance in Industrial Applications

Renesas Electronics Corporation today announced the two new group of 32-bit microcontrollers, namely the RX72N Group and RX66N…