
Ultra low power 6-Axis Inertial Module for Industrial Applications Ultra low power 6-Axis Inertial Module for Industrial Applications

The ISM330DLC six-axis IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) extends STMicroelectronics’ family of ultra-low power MEMS sensors for…

Tiny Coin-Shaped All-in-one IoT-node development kit Tiny Coin-Shaped All-in-one IoT-node development kit

BlueNRG-Tile is a new all-in-one IoT-node development kit from STMicroelectronics. Built around ST’s BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth low…

High voltage power driver SiP for industrial motor applications High voltage power driver SiP for industrial motor applications

STMicroelectronics introduced a high-density power driver PWD5F60 intended to be used in high-voltage brushed DC and single-…

STM32L4 MCUs  for Smaller, Longer-Lasting Smart Devices STM32L4 MCUs for Smaller, Longer-Lasting Smart Devices

STMicroelectronics released two new microcontrollers STM32L412 and STM32L422 with a focused feature set and compact size, to…

Always-On Inertial Measurement Unit Improves Accuracy, Optimizes System Power Always-On Inertial Measurement Unit Improves Accuracy, Optimizes System Power

The LSM6DSO iNEMO™ Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) from STMicroelectronics is an always-on 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope…

STM32L5 Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers for More Secured IoT Applications STM32L5 Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers for More Secured IoT Applications

STMicroelectronics released a new STM32L5 microcontroller series featuring the ARM Cortex-M33 core, with focus on bringing…

STLINK-V3 probe for programming and debugging STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers Faster, More Flexible Probe for STM8 and STM32 Programming

STMicroelectronics introduced the next-generation STLINK-V3 probe for programming and debugging STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers…

ST25DV-PWM series Dynamic NFC Tags Bring Contactless Convenience to Programming Presets New NFC Dynamic Tag ICs Bring Contactless Convenience to Programming Presets

ST25DV-PWM NFC Dynamic tags from STMicroelectronics offers an innovative contactless way to program presets for products on the…

Highly Integrated Mobile-Security Chip Combining NFC Controller, Secure Element, and eSIM Highly Integrated Mobile-Security Chip Combining NFC Controller, Secure Element, and eSIM

STMicroelectronics released its highly integrated mobile-security solution, the ST54J , a system-on-chip (SoC) containing an…

STWBC-MC 15W wireless battery-charger transmitter from STMicroelectronics Advanced 15W Wireless Battery Charger Transmitter Ensures Fast and Stable Multi-Coil Wireless Charging for Mobile Devices

The new 15W wireless battery-charger transmitter STWBC-MC from STMicroelectronics can control multiple charging coils, making…