Yugan Nithish Kumar T

Yugan Nithish Kumar T
Project Idea
Our project aims to revolutionize emergency medical services in rural communities by introducing a network of drone-based ambulances. The current healthcare infrastructure in these areas faces numerous challenges, including long travel distances, limited resources, and difficult terrain, which often lead to delays in accessing life-saving medical care. By leveraging drone technology, we can overcome these obstacles and provide timely emergency medical services to those in need.

The key focus of our project is to develop an autonomous drone system capable of delivering medical supplies and equipment to remote regions. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, such as automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and real-time data feeds, our drones can reach inaccessible areas and provide critical care during emergencies. This approach not only reduces response times but also enables remote diagnosis and treatment by connecting doctors to patients through the drones' live data feeds.