Analog Electronics

Analog Electronics deals with electronic systems that has a continuous variable signal. In this section we will discuss about various analog electronic projects that can be used to design your own amplifiers, oscillators, filters, analog converters, waveform generators and other analog circuits as required by your application.

March 6, 2018

Previously we described passive low pass filter, in this tutorial we will explore what is an Active Low Pass Filter.

February 21, 2018

Previously we discussed Passive Low Pass Filter, now it is the time to look insight of passive high pass filter.

February 16, 2018

Snubbers are the energy absorbing circuits used to smooth the voltage spikes caused due to the circuit’s inductance. Sometimes…

February 14, 2018

These AC circuits series has taken us on a journey which has seen us discuss what AC really is all about, how its generated,…

February 12, 2018

This tutorial is about Passive Low Pass Filter, a widely used term in Electronics. You will hear or use this ‘technical’ term…

February 9, 2018

Analog AI Accelerator Chip will accelerate the origination of AI technologies into embedded devices which have been difficult…

February 7, 2018

TI's new operational amplifier and comparators reduce overall system footprint in IoT, personal electronics, and industrial…

February 6, 2018
AC Waveform

As established in the first part of AC Circuit Theory, when a magnet rotates around a coil or a coil rotates around…

February 5, 2018

Previously we have built simple Square Wave Generator circuit, today in this tutorial, we are going to show you how to generate…

January 24, 2018

An electrical circuit is a complete conductive path through which electrons flow from the source to the load and…

January 17, 2018

Frequency Dividers are the circuits which divide the input frequency by n (any integer number), means if we provide some signal…

January 16, 2018

Electronics has always been fun to play with, once we learn the very basics of how each component works and how to use them in…