Logic Gates

Asynchronous Counter Asynchronous CounterWhat is a Counter?

A counter is a device which can count any particular event on the basis of how many times the particular…

Full Subtractor Circuit and Constructions Full Subtractor Circuit and Its Construction

In the previous tutorial of Half Subtractor Circuit, we had seen how computer use single bit binary numbers 0 and 1 for…

Multiplexer Logic Diagram Multiplexer Circuit and How it Works

The term Multiplexer which is also commonly called as “MUX” or “MPX” refers to selecting one output of the many available…

Half Subtractor Circuit and Its Construction Half Subtractor Circuit and Its Construction

In previous tutorials, we have seen how computer use binary numbers 0 and 1 and by using an adder circuit computer will add…

Binary Decoder Circuit Binary Decoders

Decoder is type of combinational Circuit which decodes a small bit value into large bit value. It is normally used in…

Binary Encoder Circuit Binary Encoders

Encoders, as the name suggest, encodes a larger bit of information into a smaller bit value. There are many types of encoders…

Half Adder Circuit and its Construction Half Adder Circuit and its Construction

Computer uses binary numbers 0 and 1. An adder circuit uses these binary numbers and calculates the addition. A binary adder…

Schmitt Trigger Gate Circuit Schmitt Trigger Gate

Schmitt Trigger gate is a digital logic gate, designed for arithmetic and logical operations. It provides OUTPUT based on INPUT…

XNOR Gate Circuit XNOR Gate

XNOR or EX-NOR gate is a digital logic gate, designed for arithmetic and logical operations. Here we are going to use 74LS86…

NOR Gate Circuit NOR Gate

NOR gate is a digital logic gate, designed for arithmetic and logical operations. This gate is mainly used in applications…