water level sensor

Interfacing Water Level Sensor with Arduino How does a Water Level Sensor Work and How to Interface it with Arduino?

Water tank overflow is a common problem that results in water wastage, and it's surprising to note that it's not even…

No Contact Water Level Sensor How Does a Contact-Less Liquid Level Sensor Work?

You might have seen there are many types of liquid-level sensors available on the market. They are mostly used in…

Smart Irrigation System using ESP32 and Blynk Arduino Smart Irrigation System Using ESP32 and Blynk App

In this project, we'll explore an IoT-based irrigation system using the ESP32 board and Blynk app. It's a project based…

Wireless Water Pump Controller An Automatic Wireless Water Pump Controller

After watching and experiencing turning off and on our household water pump manually, it was really hectic and…

Wireless Water Water Level Controller for Pump using NodeMCU ESP8266 based Automatic Water Level Controller for Pump

People in India have access to limited resources of water that is not all the time sufficient for countrymen…

Water Automation System using ATMega328 DIY Modular Water Automation System for Multiple Water Tanks

There are many reinventing wheel scenarios is happening in the field of water tank level controllers. It is…

Smart Plant Monitoring System using NodeMCU and DHT11 ESP8266 based Smart Irrigation System with Humidity and Water Level Monitoring

The Internet of Things (IoT) allows objects to be identified and controlled from a distance using existing…

Automatic Water Level Controller using Arduino Manual and Automatic Water Level Controller using Arduino Nano

This project is based on a water tank management system. The project name is a Manual And Automatic Water Level Controller. In…

Water Level Monitoring System using ESP32 Water Level and Water Quantity Monitoring System using ESP32 using ESP32

India has 16% of the world's population and only 4% of the world's water resources at its disposal. The…