
July 26, 2019

An average household microwave oven operating at 110/220V AC can produce upto 2800V inside it, which is dangerously lethal.…

July 25, 2019

Braking is one of the important aspects of a vehicle. The mechanical braking system which we use in our vehicles has a big…

July 24, 2019

With the electronics buzz towards IoT, Machine to Machine Communication and Connected devices, design engineers are on constant…

July 22, 2019

On a fine morning you are crossing the road to reach your office on the other side, just when you are half the way through you…

July 18, 2019

Indian Government along with the automobile sectors is trying hard to achieve their realistic goals of having 30% Electric…

July 12, 2019

Now a days world is shifting towards electrified mobility to reduce the pollutant emissions caused by nonrenewable fossil…

July 11, 2019

Maxwell equations are the fundamentals of Electromagnetic theory, which constitutes a set of four equations relating the…

July 10, 2019

To explain in simple words a Transimpedance amplifier is a converter circuit which converts the input current to a proportional…

June 27, 2019

The statistics are alarming: In the United States alone, household leaks waste about 900 billion gallons of water each year. To…

June 26, 2019

Inductors are widely used passive components in electronics after resistors and capacitors. An ideal inductor stores energy in…

June 21, 2019

Aside from safety and reliability, several other goals including efficiency should be pursued in the design and implementation…

June 20, 2019

Following the venture of LAVA International - a fast growing Indian Mobile handset company, Mr.Vishal Sehgal has stepped in as…