Electronic Circuits

Electronic is fun to learn, especially if you can learn it by building your own circuits. To help you with that, Circuit Digest provides you with a list of popular Electronic circuits and Electronic projects with well illustrated circuit diagram and detailed explanation for a complete do-it-yourself experience. All projects are tested and verified with a working video for a hassle free learning experience. Whether you are an expert or beginner in electronics, we have something interesting for all of you. Below is our huge collection of 200+ free electronic circuits that you can build today.

May 19, 2015

TV remote control is a commonly used device in our everyday life. Would you like to surprise your family members or friends by…

May 17, 2015

In electronics and electrical systems, faults are very common. The most commonly appearing fault is due to discontinued…

May 16, 2015

All the embedded systems have memory to store data. These memory are made up of flip-flops, these flip-flops store the data in…

May 15, 2015

Water tank overflow is a common problem which leads to the wastage of water. Though there are many solutions to it like ball…

May 15, 2015

In electronics most commonly failed component is transistor. To test the working of the transistor, one must go through a lot…

May 15, 2015

This is a 555 timer IC based fun circuit which generates a sound of loud clicking clock. It is quite simple circuit designed by…

May 15, 2015

Technically stepper motor driver circuit is a Decade Binary Counter circuit. The advantage of this circuit is, it can be used…

May 14, 2015

You can find a metal detector at airports, theaters and various other public places. They are used for the safety of people to…

May 14, 2015

Here we have explained a dark detector circuit by using 555 timer IC and a LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) which senses the…

May 14, 2015

The DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL circuit is primarily a 555 IC based PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) circuit developed to get variable…

May 13, 2015

For an electronics hobbyist or a student 555 timer IC is one of the most important electronic components because of its…

May 13, 2015

While getting started with electronics, you would like to make some simple circuits like a LED circuit to get acquainted with basic circuit…