Electronic Circuits

Electronic is fun to learn, especially if you can learn it by building your own circuits. To help you with that, Circuit Digest provides you with a list of popular Electronic circuits and Electronic projects with well illustrated circuit diagram and detailed explanation for a complete do-it-yourself experience. All projects are tested and verified with a working video for a hassle free learning experience. Whether you are an expert or beginner in electronics, we have something interesting for all of you. Below is our huge collection of 200+ free electronic circuits that you can build today.

October 10, 2019

Whether it’s your Laptop, TV, Smartphone, or any other electronic device, they all operates at different voltages. These…

October 7, 2019

Power Supply Unit (PSU) is a vital part in any electronic product design. Most household electronic products like Mobile…

October 3, 2019

Most of the Analog Electronic circuits require dual power supply rails for proper balanced operation; this gets especially…

September 23, 2019

Relays are frequently used in our electronics applications specially when we need to drive high loads from microcontroller…

September 19, 2019

The simple current source is not perfect for variable loads as the current through load also changes with the load resistance.…

September 18, 2019

In the previous tutorials, we demonstrated detailed design of 3.7V to 5V Boost Converter using MC34063 and 12V to 5V Buck…

September 9, 2019

Light fence circuit is used to detect the presence of any human or object in a particular area. The detecting range of Light…

September 5, 2019

The Great American Businessman and Inventor of light bulb – Thomas Alva Edison once said that “We will make electricity so…

September 2, 2019

We can consider the Volume Meter as an Equalizer, which is present in the Music systems. In which we can see the dancing of…

September 2, 2019

Every Electronic device or product requires a reliable power supply unit (PSU) to operate it. Almost all devices in our home,…

August 22, 2019

Flashlight or Torch is very useful in emergency situations like power failure. These flashlights are battery-operated, and we…

August 19, 2019

A latch circuit can ‘hold’ the circuit in either on or off state until any external signal is applied to it. Latch circuit…