New Products

To facilitate the fast-growing electronics industry, the semiconductor companies and component manufacturers constantly improve their designs and announce new products and components that are smaller, more efficient and powerful than the exiting ones. This section covers all the latest electronic components introduced in the market to enable design engineers to be aware about the latest options and helping them to keep their designs up-to-date for competing in the ever-evolving market.

July 11, 2019

Vishay Intertechnology has released a new space-saving ambient light sensor VEML6035 for small form factor applications such as…

July 10, 2019

ROHM launched new line-up of compact high output surface mount LEDs equipped with lens and includes 18 devices comprised of the…

July 9, 2019

STMicroelectronics has announced a new version of its called the STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 which is a ready to use…

July 9, 2019

Mouser Electronics is now stocking the MAMG-100227-010C0L broadband power amplifier module from MACOM. The module offers…

July 8, 2019

Pico Technology released fully supported software package for the popular and inexpensive single-board computer, the Raspberry…

July 8, 2019

Quectel Wireless Solutions released a compact dual-band GNSS module LC79D with support of L1 and L5 bands for satellites which…

July 8, 2019

AlgoBuilder is a graphical design tool from STMicroelectronics that allows engineers to develop and test complex algorithms…

July 5, 2019

Mouser Electronics is now stocking the OPA855 decompensated amplifier from Texas Instruments (TI). Designed as a wideband, low-…

July 5, 2019

STMicroelectronics has integrated machine-learning technology into its advanced inertial sensors to improve activity-tracking…

July 4, 2019

Infineon Technologies launched the new LED driver IC ILD8150/E features an innovative hybrid dimming mode technology for…

July 3, 2019

Nexperia has released the new family of high temperature, high-performance, general-purpose transistors and switching diodes…

July 2, 2019

Diodes Incorporated released the AL5814Q an automotive-compliant linear LED driver-controller with low dropout voltage and open…