
New CrossLink Reference Design helps Machine Vision and Robotics Applications Leverage Advanced Application Processors New CrossLink Reference Design helps Machine Vision and Robotics Applications Leverage Advanced Application Processors

Lattice Semiconductor Corporation released a new Crosslink reference designs features the Lattice CrossLink FPGA for video…

Robotics End of Arm Tools - Key Trends in Industrial Automation Activities Robotic End of Arm Tools Tighten their Grip over the Automation Set-up

The industrial ecosystem is in the mid of the fourth industrial revolution—Industry 4.0. Robots are taking over the global…

Introduction to Swarm Robotics Introduction to Swarm Robotics

Interacting, understanding and then responding to the situation are some of the greatest features of humans and those are the…

DIY Arduino based Color Sorter Machine using TCS3200 Color Sensor DIY Arduino Based Color Sorter Machine using TCS3200 Color Sensor

As the name suggests, color sorting is simply to sort the things according to their color. It can be easily done by seeing it…

32-bit MCUs with dedicated hardware accelerator for Servo Control in Industrial Robots 32-bit MCUs with dedicated hardware accelerator for Servo Control in Industrial Robots

Renesas Electronics Corporation released the RX72T Group of 32-bit Motor Control MCUs (Microcontrollers) with dedicated…

Obstacle Avoiding Robot Project using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor

Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent device that can automatically sense the obstacle in front of it and avoid them by…

Line Follower Robot Using AVR Microcontroller ATmega16 Line Follower Robot using AVR Microcontroller ATmega16

Here we will be building yet another project with AVR Atmega16 Microcontroller. If you are new to AVR microcontrollers then you…

Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller

From the assembly line of automobile manufacturing industries to the telesurgery robots in space, Robotic Arms are to be found…

Digital Taxi Fare Meter using Arduino Digital Taxi Fare Meter using Arduino

Today digital meters are replacing analog meters in every sector whether its electricity meter or taxi fare meter. The main…

Speed, Distance and Angle Measurement for Mobile Robots using Arduino and LM393 Sensor (H206) Speed, Distance and Angle Measurement for Mobile Robots using Arduino and LM393 Speed Sensor (H206)

Robots have slowly started to crawl into our society to make our life simpler. We can already find the six wheeled food…