Electronics Projects

Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.

April 20, 2023

Working with electricity can be a daunting and life-threatening task if you are a beginner in the electronic/electrical…

April 18, 2023

The ESP32 is a powerful, low-cost microcontroller that is widely used in the development of IoT projects. It is popular…

April 13, 2023

In this short tutorial, we will show you how you can build yourself a transistor-driven color-changing RGB LED lights.…

March 17, 2023

When it comes to giving your projects wireless capabilities, A 433MHz RF Module is the most common and easiest way to…

March 15, 2023
What is an ESP32 Web Server? 

In the Internet, all the websites are hosted on a computer and…

March 8, 2023

A stepper motor is a type of brushless DC motor that divides a full rotation into a number of steps, thus allowing for…

March 6, 2023

The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor is a versatile and cost-effective sensor used to measure ambient temperature…

March 2, 2023

A 4x4 membrane keypad is a compact and a cost-effective input device that is commonly used…

February 24, 2023

A single-channel relay is an electronic switch that can be controlled by a low-power…

February 8, 2023

In this project, we are going to build an audio bug using Arduino and NRF24L01. This audio…

February 3, 2023

In the previous parts(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) of this project, we investigated different…

February 2, 2023

If you are interested in building robots then it is certain that you need to learn how to control the speed and…