New Products

To facilitate the fast-growing electronics industry, the semiconductor companies and component manufacturers constantly improve their designs and announce new products and components that are smaller, more efficient and powerful than the exiting ones. This section covers all the latest electronic components introduced in the market to enable design engineers to be aware about the latest options and helping them to keep their designs up-to-date for competing in the ever-evolving market.

October 22, 2019

Mouser Electronics is now stocking the ADF5610 wideband synthesizer with an integrated voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) from…

October 21, 2019

Nexperia has announced a new MJD 3A and 8A power bipolar transistors that are automotive (AEC-Q101-Qualified) and customer/…

October 18, 2019

Mouser Electronics is now stocking the Sitara™ AM574x processors from Texas Instruments (TI). These Arm® Cortex®-based devices…

October 17, 2019

STMicroelectronics has released the next generation of its STPay system-on-chip (SoC) payment solution, leveraging state-of-the…

October 17, 2019

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc  has introduced three new Automotive grade IHLP low profile, high current inductors in the…

October 16, 2019

Infineon Technologies announced a new member TC3A to its automotive microcontroller family AURIX that can address automotive…

October 15, 2019

CUI Devices’ Interconnect Group announced the addition of screwless terminal block connectors for high temperature applications…

October 15, 2019

The Texas Instruments has introduced a family of four high efficiency, low quotient current (IQ) buck boost converter that is…

October 15, 2019

Featuring a novel distortion-cancelling input-current shaping (ICS) circuit, the HVLED007 AC/DC LED driver from…

October 14, 2019

To help Bluetooth speaker and headphone manufacturers maintain product differentiation in the competitive wireless audio…

October 10, 2019

RECOM added a new power module RPX-2.5 to its DC/DC converter portfolio. One of the smallest in its class of low profile QFN-…

October 10, 2019

Pixablasters video LED controller can help the DIY lovers, signage professionals and developers  to turn a bunch of addressable…